OTN eVisit Information

Below is some important information about OTN eVisit.


An eVisit is a private, secure, face-to-face appointment typically between a health care provider and their patient(s).

eVisits allow you to attend an appointment from wherever you are, eliminating the barriers of time and distance, giving you a whole new level of convenience, efficiency, and independence.

Your eVisit will be private and confidentialJust like an in-office health care appointment, it can be seen and heard only by you and your health care provider.

PLEASE NOTE: Physicians will do their best to be on time, though there may be times where they go overtime with the previous patient visit. We ask that you please be patient and wait on the line for the physician to arrive. 

If you are experiencing connectivity/video quality issues, or if you have questions about how to If you have questions about how to prepare for or connect to your appointment, contact Ontario Health (OTN) Technical Support at 1-855-654-0888.